Deep into UX on the daily. Dabbling with web stuff, homelabs and Unity as a hobby.
I've been looking at Destack for a while, late last year, I tried and abysmally failed at making a visual website builder using GrapesJS. It was a...
My social media habits are shifting and I'm kind of okay with it · This morning, while catching up on newsletters, I read a devlog for an asset pack on...
Navigating Design, Accessibility, and Decision Fatigue in the Digital World · I found Beth J's recent post "The lazy load, endless scroll, and color...
The Digital Hoarding Dilemma · I collect too many links. I was a pack rat as a kid, my locker overflowing with random knick-knacks and other garbage I...
I'm so nervous 😅 · I made and published a Javascript bookmarklet thing this weekend as an exercise to practice my coding skills, learn how to manage a...